ENRICO SCOTECE The Unreflected

Single-channel video 16min 30sec 2021-22

Screened as part of Lumière at Mount Vic Flicks vintage cinema, Mt Victoria

Installation - Artefact Room, Mt Victoria Manor - Photographs; 30,000+ hrs exposure of the sun and landscape using a camera obscura 2018-22

The Unreflected explores sensory experiences of place, prompting a quest to understand the unknown qualities of light and dark via a dialectic process, as one moves physically through the landscape. Through the flow of tonal images, we experience sensory processes as permutations of both presence and absence, reflecting the contrasting material qualities of light and place. The quasi-experimental filming process embraces chance and gesture, embodying visceral, at times unsettling experiences of passing through light and darkness in the natural world. Ethereal in nature, this process is one that both reveals and informs our understanding of our experiences in this liminal state, and makes us deeply aware of the process of seeing. It visually describes how we both experience the landscape, and are also of the landscape. The film loosely explores how we inhabit this threshold, and sense the assemblage of conditions that create light and darkness, framing it as a ‘thing’ to be experienced. Via our physical and psychological relationships to light and dark, immersion in place, and spatial memory, we experience multi-faceted, heightened, multi-sensory journeys as we navigate the edges of these liminal worlds. The Unreflected asks us to surrender and attune to these ultimately unknowable states, as we attempt to forge a shared elemental language, and find meaning in our relationship with the Mountains.

Enrico Scotece is a photographer and academic whose work explores notions of perceptual experience as photographic response. Scotece’s area of expertise lies within photographic studio, lighting, and darkroom practice, specialising in film and silver-based photographs. He also resides as a full-time Lecturer in Photomedia at Western Sydney University, and recently completed a PhD. Scotece’s practice-led research utilises photography as reflexive practice, exploring illusion, perception, and intent

www.enricoscotece.com  @enrico_scotece_photographer


